

Gynecomastia is breast enlargement seen in men. There may be symptoms such as swelling, pain, tenderness, discharge from one or both nipples. Although it occurs for different reasons in all age groups, gynecomastia, which occurs mainly in adolescence, is the most common. Especially when you wear a shirt in the summer, it creates a saggy and ugly look.

For this reason, the differentiation of the style of clothing (not wearing a shirt, wearing tight corsets even in the summer) has a lack of self-confidence and psychological effects. With this intervention, the sagging and stiffness disappear and a flat aesthetic appearance is obtained again.

Before the surgery

In particular, chronic diseases and the use of blood thinners and medications that are used continuously are questioned. The history of drug and alcohol use is questioned.


In particular, hormone tests are performed (endocrinological tests, thyroid functions, ultrasound, necessary imaging procedures) It can occur in childhood, adolescence or old age, but is more common in adolescence. The reasons may be different in each age group.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Surgical intervention is the most effective and definitive method in the treatment of gynecomastia. The type of surgery depends on the tests performed and the tissue causing the breast swelling.

Again, different methods can be used against different classifications of gynecomastia. (Glandular type, fatty type gynecomastia)

The surgery can be performed under local (sedation) or general anesthesia. The preferred method is general anesthesia. Depending on the tissue causing the breast swelling, only the tissue causing the breast swelling is removed with liposuction or a half-moon-shaped incision with a dark-colored border around the nipple. The operation lasts from 1 to 1.5 hours. In the liposuction procedure and in the incision made from the edge of the colored part of the breast, there is usually no noticeable scar.

If laser or vaser liposuction techniques are preferred in the treatment, the healing process will pass quite comfortably and the return to normal life will be faster. Typically, he stays in the hospital one night and is discharged the next day with the brace worn after the operation.


Typically, he stays in the hospital one night and is discharged the next day with the brace worn after the operation. Antibiotics, pain relief tablets and antibiotic pomac are prescribed. You need to rest for 3 days after gynecomastia surgery and not move your arms and shoulders too much.

On the second day after the operation, you can take a hot shower, go back to work (work at the desk) and go for light walks. It is especially recommended not to lift heavy loads.

Things to know

The use of the brace is the most important step that affects the outcome of the surgery. It plays a key role in breast sagging and faster skin recovery after tissue removed from the breast. This is the most important step after surgery. It should be used continuously for about 3 weeks.

According to the stage of gynecomastia (clinically divided into 3-4 stages). If the excess skin is excessive, several scars are needed. It is a non-recurring surgery with a definite result. Recently, it provides some skin tightening with vasa liposucin.