Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Sagging breasts due to large size can cause back and neck pain in women, cause hump and rash under the breasts. Daily physical activity can be limited. Also, while large breasts create difficulties in choosing clothes, a woman’s dislike for herself also causes social and psychological problems.

A breast reduction surgery to apply gives the breasts a natural look, the problems listed above are eliminated and the person’s life becomes easier.

Breast reduction cosmetic surgery is an operation that increases the quality of life in addition to the purpose of correcting the external appearance of the woman.

Before the surgery

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If necessary, mammography and breast ultrasound should be done. Your family history of breast disease or cancer is questioned. Habits such as chronic illnesses, smoking and drug habits are questioned. The new nipple position will be determined taking into account factors such as the size, shape of the breast, skin condition, your age, your marriage, and your pregnancy plan. The scar will provide information on nipple sensitivity, breastfeeding, the type of anesthesia and the risks of the surgery. Seeing photos of patients who have had previous surgery can make it easier for you to decide.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an operating room in hospital conditions. The operation lasts 2.5-3 hours. Breast tissue is reshaped according to the size of the person’s body. Excess breast tissue and the skin on it are removed. The nipple is moved to where it should be.

According to the applied method, an inverted T-shaped scar remains from the central part of the lower edge of the nipple to the bottom. The lower part of the T-shaped scar fits the crease under the breast. In the latter case, the scar under the breast will not be visible. Suitable breast application generally does not form a scar in the breast crease area with technique vertical surgery (vertical). Only around the nipple and from the center of the lower edge of the nipple 4.5-5 cm. a trace remains. However, these traces are evident early on and can become vague over time. The degree of postoperative scarring depends on the size of the breast, the method of surgery used, and the scarring of the patient’s skin.


It is usually comfortable after the operation. The pain is minimal. There may be a limitation in the movements of the arms. The bra is put on the breast immediately. Usually, tubes called drains are inserted into both breasts and removed within 24 to 72 hours. The dressing is opened 2 days later and the wound is checked. Absorbable stitches are used. Stay in the hospital for 1-3 days. You can take a shower on the day of discharge. She wears a sports bra for 6 weeks and a massage is recommended. The patient can return to work after 1 week. It is recommended to stay away from heavy sports for 3 months.

Things to know

It is recommended to stay away from heavy sports for 3 months. Newly shaped breasts will last a long time, but changes in weight, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gravity can cause breast enlargement and sagging. Regardless of breast reduction surgery, breast disease or breast cancer can occur at any time in a person’s life. The person should have regular breast checkups with or without surgery.

Some women who have undergone breast reduction surgery may breastfeed their babies, but this can often be difficult to predict.