Aesthetics of Obesity

Aesthetics of Obesity

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems of our age. Post-bariatric surgery, also known as body shaping, is generally performed due to surgery for obesity, strict diet plans and widespread use of sports, and severe skin augmentation, subcutaneous sagging and deformity after excessive weight loss .

It is the generic name for removing these deep lumps of folds and excesses in the skin with a series of surgeries.

  • Sagging of the upper arm, armpits and lateral regions of the chest
  • Breast collapse, loss of volume and sagging
  • Sagging of the abdomen and waist, back area
  • Sagging and flattening of the buttocks
  • Sagging and looseness in the thigh and groin areas
  • Settlement due to percentage volume loss
Obezite Estetiği

Before the surgery

It can be applied to all weakened people by any method. Especially in those who lose excessive weight in a short time, more pronounced sagging will occur. Above all, he shouldn’t smoke.

If you are using a blood thinner (aspirin), it will definitely be taken into account in your surgery planning. It should be a complete, healthy blood test. Chronic diseases will be questioned. (Diabetes, hypertension, etc.) With physical examination, examination of the anterior abdominal wall hernia (hernia) is required. Or imaging methods are used.

Previously, varicose treatment or vascular disorder occupies an important place in preoperative planning. Patients who have achieved target weight on intensive sports diet programs and have remained stable at this weight for at least 6 months are candidates for post-bariatric surgery.


The deformities of the body caused by excessive weight loss vary from person to person. Therefore, the planning of the intervention is determined on a per-person basis. Under anesthesia

In general, the combinations of the above operations can be performed before any session exceeds 4-6 hours after a joint decision with the patient. A corset is put on after the operation. There will be a scar at each incision site, especially since there is excess skin. However, these scars will be placed in places that will not be noticeable or will be seen as little as possible, which is a skill of plastic surgery.


Pain is generally not expected. The postoperative hospital stay is usually 2 or 3 days, depending on the operations performed. It can be discharged with appropriate antibiotic pain relievers. Rest should be practiced at home, a relationship can be given. The use of the brace may be necessary after surgery.

In these surgeries, permanent scarring will occur, which will fade in 4-6 months and become more acceptable.

Things to know

Patients who have achieved target weight on intensive sports and diet programs and have remained stable at this weight for at least 6 months are candidates for post-bariatric surgery.

These surgeries are not an emergency operation. Surgery will be performed under the most favorable conditions. Since smoking increases all possible risks, this should be stopped before surgery.

A scar will surely remain after all the sagging of the skin.

Wearing a brace is an important step in recovery.