Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

People with small breasts complain of a lack of self-confidence and an inability to wear free clothes.

Increase with implant

Breast implants are balloon-like structures prepared in the form of breasts. There are round and drop-shaped ones called anatomical. The approximate size is chosen based on the mutually agreed situation.

Breast augmentation with fat

Breast augmentation surgeries with the person’s tissues have yielded limited results. For example, the breasts can be partially enlarged by taking the adipose tissue from the person. However, filling with grease is not a completely permanent method. Some fat will melt.

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Before the surgery

If the patient to be placed with a prosthesis is over 40 years old, radiological examinations called mammography and ultrasound are performed before the surgery. Your family history of breast disease or cancer is questioned. Chronic diseases, the drugs used (especially aspirin and similar drugs), smoking are questioned.

The location of the incision and the method to be used for enlargement will be discussed in detail.

Before deciding on breast augmentation surgery; The scar will give information on nipple sensitivity, breastfeeding, the type of anesthesia, the implant and the incision of the implant and the risks of the surgery. Seeing photos of patients who have had previous surgery can make it easier for you to decide.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room in hospital conditions. It takes 1-2 hours. A 4-5 cm incision is made to insert the prosthesis. It consists of the fold under the breast (inframammary) or the lower part of the breast (cirkumareolar). The prosthesis can be placed behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle, depending on the patient’s breast structure. No matter where the entrance is, a trace will remain. These are traces that are evident at the beginning and become vague over time.


It is usually comfortable after the operation. A dressing with an antibiotic ointment suitable for the incision area is used, and oral antibiotics and pain relievers are used. There may be a limitation in arm movements for a few days. He will be discharged the next day. The shower can be done on the 2nd day. After the operation, a bra or bandage is applied to the breast. The patient can return to work within 3-4 days.

Things to know

After 3 weeks, the prosthesis settles and the breast regains its normal function. The patient is recommended to stay away from heavy sports (which require jumping running) for 2 months. Surgery-related bleeding and infection are rare conditions. Some patients may experience increased or decreased sensitivity in the nipples after surgery or numbness around the incision, but this is temporary. The person can lie face down 2 months after the operation.

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Since there is a foreign substance in breast augmentation with implants, there may be problems related to the implant. There may be hardening and narrowing due to the development of a membrane called a capsule around the prosthesis. The thin membrane does not cause any problems, if a medium thickness membrane is formed, a slight hardness is noted in the sinus and a prominence at the base of the sinus. In rare cases, the body may not accept this foreign substance, forming a thick membrane around the prosthesis (capsule), compressing it and sometimes trying to expel it from the body. If a thick capsule forms, hardness and sometimes asymmetry in the breast can be seen. In case of mild and moderate capsular contracture, external massages and any additional interventions to remove the capsule around the prosthesis can be performed. When severe capsular contracture occurs, there is no alternative but to remove the prosthesis.

Although the outer surface of silicone implants is very thin, it is very resistant to external impacts. Normal and medium massages don’t hurt. The contents of the prosthesis could leak out of the balloon. Rupture of the prosthesis is a rare event, as in traffic accidents it can occur with jams, falls from heights and penetrating injuries. Subsequent mammography and surgical examination do not cause breast problems with implants. The prosthesis is seen as a gap in mammography. The risk of developing cancer in a breast with silicone breast implants does not increase, it is the same as in normal breast tissue. When such a situation arises, surgery and other cancer treatment methods are applied in line with the standards in breast implant.