Filling Fillers

Filling Fillers

It is a fast and effective method in outpatient clinical conditions. Filling applications have an important place in the treatment of soft tissue volume, subcutaneous fusion and deep wrinkles that occur as our body ages. They are divided into various classes based on their duration of action and their drink.

The fillers we call short-acting (6-18 months) are hyaluronic acid; They are the fillers formed by different bonds in the laboratory environment of the three-dimensional protein existing between the tissues of our body.

Long-term fillers (2-4); They are proteins found in our hard tissues such as teeth and bones under laboratory conditions that contain hydroxyapatite or poly-L-lactic acid.

Permanent fillings are; They are produced from materials that are not normally found in our body such as plastic, silicone, methyl methacrylate. However, the fact that a filling made in middle age will remain in the same place for years to come, shades the normal appearance. Therefore, the places of use are somewhat limited.


What Can Be Done With Filling?

With fillings, you can fill in any area you want to enlarge and highlight. However, to contribute to the aesthetic aspect, it would be advisable to do this with a joint decision with your doctor. The cheekbones, the lips, the tip of the nose, the nasolabial line, the tip of the chin, the edges of the chin, the lower part of the eye can be filled in, the facial wrinkles can be erased. All unwanted dimples in the body can be erased.

An important point is that these are performed in outpatient clinical conditions, although they are very unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. It is essential to use it in case of possible allergies, which we call an antidote.

Things to know

On the day of application, no facial interventions such as face rubbing should be performed. Applications under stairs should be avoided.