Waist Dimple

Waist Dimple

Natural curves and aesthetic points create a more attractive look. Especially in swimwear and bikinis, the double-sided and vertically symmetrically positioned dimples just above the hip part provide an aesthetic look.

With auxiliary techniques such as liposuction, especially after creating natural curves, this procedure will be appropriate.

Before the surgery

The medications used by the person, chronic illnesses and smoking history should be questioned. The natural hips and the pleats at the waist are examined in detail. The person is drawn in front of the mirror and the length of the dimple is drawn where it will form.

Bel Gamzesi


The surgery can be performed under local or sedative (semi-sleep) or general anesthesia. It is a short and effective surgery that takes about half an hour after the creases in the hip are created. Local anesthesia may be preferred for people with natural curves. Thanks to the local anesthesia applied before the procedure, there is no pain in the early postoperative period. The dimples are performed with liposuction according to the drawings made before the surgery, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is thinned with local anesthesia, then a venus dimple is formed and there is no visible scar after the procedure.


The early period after surgery usually passes at ease. There may be minimal swelling, but a dimple occurs soon after surgery, but there may not be a clear picture due to edema in the first week. You can be discharged the same day. The swelling will disappear in 3-4 days, the dimples will be visible. It will take 2-3 months to be fully finalized.

The person can go back to work the next day.

Things to know

This surgery can be applied to almost everyone, especially after creating the hip and waist folds, effective results are achieved. This surgery is a permanent procedure and an effective operation. One of the most important benefits of having a dimple aesthetic is to remove the dimples whenever desired.