Muscle Aesthetics (Abdominal Area Six Pack)

Muscle Aesthetics (Abdominal Area Six Pack)

Modern aesthetic perception and the ideal male appearance are expressed with a fit, athletic and muscular body structure. The increase in muscle mass in the body is done through sport and exercise, but the distribution of adipose tissue in the body is a lifestyle and is hereditary.

Our body stores most of its fatty tissue in the abdomen and waist area. For this reason, many people experience unwanted fat in the abdominal area and accumulation of fatty tissue called “bagels” that extends to the sides. Even if you do exercise, the melting of fat here comes with some difficulties depending on your lifestyle.

In order to provide the “six pack” appearance of the abdominal muscles under the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the abdominal region; It is based on the preservation or increase of adipose tissue in the areas
where the muscles are swollen and on the removal of fatty tissue in the areas where the muscles are pitted, using the liposuction technique.

In short, the existing muscles in the body become much more pronounced by shaping the fatty tissue and creating a fit and muscular body image.

Kas Estetiği

Before the surgery

In particular, chronic diseases and the use of continuously used blood thinners and medications are questioned. The history of drug and alcohol use is questioned.

Eating habits should be changed. The picture will change with weight gain. People who don’t have the time to apply an intense exercise program and want to look muscular in a short time are good candidates.


In the operation in which small surgical incisions of 4-5 mm in length are made under general anesthesia and corresponding to the folds of the body (inside the navel, groin area), preserving the adipose tissue in the areas where the abdominal muscles are prominent, diamond abdomen in men and right side in women. and you get a muscular abdomen (two pack), where two muscles are prominent on the left. With the operation the lumbar region can also be thinned and the waist muscles can be exposed. Only a small 4-5 mm straight line, which is the entrance incision of the liposuction cannulae, remains an indistinct scar.


Pain is generally not expected. He can be discharged the next day with appropriate antibiotics and pain relievers. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

A corset should be used after abdominal shaping with liposuction. This is the most important step after surgery. It should be used continuously for about 3 weeks.

It is necessary to rest for 3 days after the operation and avoid movements that will strain the abdominal muscles. On the second day after the operation, you can take a warm (tabletop) shower, go back to work and go for light walks. It is especially recommended not to lift heavy loads.
After the third week, it is useful to wear a corset only during the day, especially when doing heavy activities. This period is approximately 4 weeks.

Things to know

The use of the brace is the most important step that affects the outcome of the surgery. Recently, it provides some skin tightening with vasa liposucsin. This surgery is not a weight loss method and is not a suitable procedure especially for overweight people.